About Us

The Green House Foundation

Dedicated to training those in need
The Greenhouse Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to the production of food products.  This is done by providing housing and training to children aging out of foster care that would otherwise become homeless, while building them a strong knowledge base and work skills. On average 23,000 kids age out of foster care each year, with 22% of that becoming instantly homeless at the age of 18. This program builds a foundation on which they can provide for themselves.
The Greenhouse Project
There is no greater good than to help our fellow Americans get on the path of equality and realize the quality of life every American deserves.   
We at The Greenhouse Foundation are starting a new foundation that helps Americans in need of shelter and knowledge to provide such quality and security with advancement opportunities. We hope to grow wherever this problem exists and expand wherever needed with the support and help of fellow Americans. This foundation will grow to help all the people that are facing these issues.
As the old saying goes, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and he can feed himself from now on.”  In the same sense, we at The Greenhouse Foundation teach agriculture and hydroponics, aquaponics, solar and wind, and geothermal techniques. We are growing green as we grow in to the future. By teaching these growing techniques and utilizing green power, the people we help will gain skills that will transfer into many fields in the future. The Greenhouse Foundation’s goal is to provide shelter while teaching skills that will provide income and sustain the quality of life that everyone deserves. These skills will provide the opportunity for advancement into training positions in future locations, with hope and help, we can end homelessness and hunger in the United States.

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