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Looking for Land

The founders of The Greenhouse Foundation are looking for the right place to build where they can begin helping foster children as they age out of the system. Ideally, the land needed would be pasture or farmland to expedite and facilitate the growing process. This will become the new home of The Greenhouse Foundation. It is where the greenhouses will be built and kids will be given a tremendous opportunity.

With your help, we can get up and running as quickly as possible and begin helping kids.

Any land donated to the foundation would be considered a tax-deductible donation. There are many situations in which you may find yourself with land that could be donated. Are you a farmer that is looking to hang up your plow? Are you ready to retire but don’t have a succession plan in place? Are you leaving the area and aren’t sure what to do with your land?

In addition to the tax deduction, we can also assure you that your land will be used for the best purpose there is… helping children. It will remain in the agricultural domain and will never be subdivided. The only structures that will be built on the land will be used to house the workers of the greenhouses and perhaps for an office for the foundation.

The final, and perhaps the coolest, benefit is that the donated land will always bear your name. This could be your legacy. Every child that learns on your land will know that you made this possible. You can choose the name that the land will bear forever, as long as the name chosen is appropriate for children.

You can know that the land you love will be used to help and feed others. What better way is there to help the next generation than by giving them the opportunity to learn agriculture?

Though The Greenhouse Foundation is currently based in southern Illinois, we are open to building in other states. There is a need to help homeless children in every part of our nation.

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